Dive into the details of using GMG ColorCard.

In GMG ColorCard, it is possible to use your own templates, for example, with a custom company logo or with another type of information printed on the card. please contact the friendly GMG support team for your region.

The purchase of GMG ColorCard already includes a package of substrate types tailor-made for each customer. If you require new substrate types at a later point in time, please contact the friendly GMG support team for your region.

Germany | support@gmgcolor.com |
United Kingdom | support@gmgcoloruk.zendesk.com |
France | support@gmgcolor-france.com |
USA | support@gmgamericas.zendesk.com |
China | support@gmgchina.zendesk.com |

Some colors produced by inks in a specific printing process cannot be reproduced even with the large color space of an inkjet printer used by GMG ColorCard. Those colors are considered to be "out of gamut". The sophisticated color management used by GMG ColorCard ensures that you will always get the highest possible match. But sometimes, this still means a visible color difference of some delta E. In such a case, the application will notify you and show the expected delta E. You will be able to make a choice whether the difference is acceptable for you or whether you want to cancel the printing, saving valuable time and resources.

In GMG ColorCard, you might switch the simulation substrate from White Board to Brown Board and print the color card again. You might be puzzled that the paper tint of the color card has changed drastically from white to brown, but the simulated color has not changed a bit. Why is that so?
It is not the intention of GMG ColorCard to predict how the color might change if the same ink mixture is printed on a different substrate type. (This is also technically not possible as the opacity of an ink has a major impact on how the substrate type will influence the color.) GMG ColorCard uses the target value from the CXF file that actually defines how the ink should be printed on the production stock. GMG ColorCard uses the substrate type to define the paper tint simulation, noise, and dot gain.
Same color printed on two different substrates.
The target color (i.e. customer expectation) for ink P2665 is still the same on the brown cardboard. Therefore, the color simulated by GMG ColorCard also stays the same. However, the visual impression has slightly changed due to the noisy cardboard structure and the different contrast of the violet with the brown paper tint.

GMG ColorCard supports the following printers:
- Epson SureColor SC-P5000 Violet Spectro
- Epson SureColor SC-P7000 Violet Spectro
- Epson SureColor SC-P9000 Violet Spectro
- Epson SureColor SC-P7500 Spectro (requires GMG ColorProof or later)
- Epson SureColor SC-P9500 Spectro (requires GMG ColorProof or later)