Getting Started
Welcome to GMG ColorCard!
This guide will help you learn the basics of GMG ColorCard and get started with a fast and simple way to print a digital color card.
Printing a conventional color card in the color kitchen involves many manual processing steps and thus is expensive, time-consuming, and error-prone.
To print a digital color card on an inkjet printer, you simply need to select the target color and click the Print button in the GMG ColorCard app. This alone saves a considerable amount of time. Further more, reprinting the same color card gives highly reproducible results.
Before you start, please make sure that the connected GMG ColorProof application is running. GMG ColorCard needs this application to print.

Wherever special printing substrates are used, a reliable simulation of the color impression is the key to a stable print production with predictable results. Therefore, GMG ColorCard has an extensible substrate library. To achieve the most realistic simulation, GMG ColorCard automatically adapts the paper tint and noise to the selected substrate.
Simply select one of the simulation substrates from the list.

Printing sophisticated brand colors on specific substrates requires expertly crafted ink formulas. Quality control in the ink lab demands that color values are verified by spectrophotometric measurements. GMG ColorCard uses precisely these measurement values as basis for creating digital color cards.
Click the Choose File button and select a target color in the widely used CXF format. The app will show a preview and the target Lab value.
Instead of clicking the button, you can also drag-and-drop the file.
Where do I get a CXF file?
Typically, you can export colors as CXF files from the ink formulation or measurement application you normally use.

A color accurate representation of a brand color as it will appear on the target substrate is the best basis for commitment and good collaboration before print production. As different stakeholders have different interests, GMG ColorCard offers several templates for printing different types of color cards. For example, you can print only the solid color or include tint values, or you can simulate the effects of a too low or too high ink density during production. Of course, you can also use your own custom templates.
Simply select one of the templates from the list (see "Templates").
After you selected a template, GMG ColorCard will show a dynamic form with additional data, which will be printed on the color card. To save you time, GMG ColorCard will automatically fill in all fields that are known to the app such as the ink name, which can be read out from the measurement file. Just complete the information and you are ready to print!

While ink labs use conventional proofing presses or ink rollers, GMG ColorCard scores with digital efficiency. Just enter the number of copies you need and click the Print button.
The built-in color management engine makes sure that all color cards will have the highest possible match with the print production!