Color Channels

The image channel list in the Manual Job Manager

This screenshot shows the image channel list in the Manual Job Manager.

The color channels from the input image are listed in the Channel column (1) in the order of printing from top to bottom.

You can customize the order by selecting a color channel and clicking the arrow buttons on the left side to move the channel up or down in the list (2). Please note that CMYK is always printed as one set sequence, which is why you cannot move or swap these channels.

The mapping of channels to spot colors from a spot color database is shown in the Color column (3). You can manually remap channels by picking a spot color from the selected spot color set or by defining a custom spot color. Via the Channels button on toolbar (4), you can also define rules for an automatic mapping of image channels (see "Color Channel Mapping").

Dynamic Multicolor Proofing with GMG OpenColor

For proofing with GMG OpenColor, you have additional options for defining color handling and printer order. The available options depend on the input file and can be set via the dropdown menu under Print Order.

Print order selection in the Manual Job Manager

Print Order Description

If this option is selected, you can customize the print order of channels via the arrow buttons on the left side. Select a channel and click the arrow up button (▲) to move it up in the list or click the arrow down button (▼) to move it down in the list.

Please note that CMYK is always printed as one set sequence, which means that you cannot move or swap these channels.

From OpenColor Proof Standard If this option is selected, the print order from the selected OpenColor Proof Standard is used.
From Input File (XMP)

If this option is selected, the XMP metadata of the input file will be used for profile calcuation. The correct measurements are automatically assigned and the matching profile will be created by GMG OpenColor on the fly.

From Inpt File (PDF)

If this option is selected, the embedded spectral CxF spot color definitions from the PDF File will be used for the dynamic profile calculation, in combination with the GMG OpenColor project inks.