HP DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® series

Proofing to industry standards is extremely simple with the HP DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® series due to the integrated measuring device tightly meshing with the automatic calibration, monitoring and recalibration functionality in GMG ColorProof.

Supported models

The following models from the HP DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® series are supported by GMG ColorProof:

  • HP DesignJet Z9⁺ 24-in PostScript®
  • HP DesignJet Z9⁺ 44-in PostScript® (without dual roll)

Printer features

  • Expanded Gamut: This high-quality printer can print a very large color space using RGB HP Vivid Photo Inks.
  • 10c printing: HP Designjet DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® printers are equipped with five print heads and can print up to ten colors in total. GMG ColorProof supports Magenta (M), Yellow (Y), Cyan (C), Chromatic Red (CR), Photo Black (PK), Matte Black (MK), Chromatic Blue (CB), Chromatic Green (CG) and Grey (G). Gloss Enhancer (E) is not supported by GMG ColorProof.
  • Integrated measuring device: All HP DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® printers are equipped with an X-Rite i1 spectrophotometer, which allows for convenient and fully automated working procedures.
  • Compatible with GMG ProofControl: Control strips can be printed together with the proof and are automatically verified. Since the construction of HP Designjet DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® printers do not allow direct label printing, an external label printer is required to print proof labels.

Please follow the link for more information from the manufacturer: https://www.hp.com/us-en/printers/large-format/designjet-z9-series-printer.html

Available Color Management Sets

GMG ColorProof supports the profiles ISO, GRACoL, PSO, and GMG OpenColor.


GMG ColorProof supports the official HP drivers for the HP DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® series. These drivers only allow contone proofs, GMG DotProof is not supported.