Roland TrueVIS MG-300 / MG-640

GMG's key concepts—standardization and repeatability—and the versatility of the Roland printer allow for highly individual digital mockups. While the color management in GMG ColorProof ensures accurate process and spot color reproduction, the printer is kept in tight tolerances by the calibration and recalibration capabilities of the software.

Printer features

  • The TrueVIS MG series by Roland features powerful print and cut UV inkjets designed for high quality package prototyping and short-run production with the ability to print on a vast range of media.
  • The TrueVIS MG series features an LED curing system and additional ECO-UV inks in White and Gloss, printing at resolutions up to 1440 dpi. The new print head is optimized for precision dot placement. Roland ECO-UV inks are designed to adhere to a broad range of media.
  • The more powerful LED lamps make ink curing even faster. The new print head and LED lamps also help to increase ink density, in particular the opacity of the white ink.

Please follow the link for more information from the manufacturer:

Supported ink configurations

The TrueVIS MG series is available in different ink configurations, of which the following are supported by GMG ColorProof:

  • CMYK, Gloss, Gloss, White, White
  • CMYK, Orange, Red, Gloss, White
  • CMYK, Orange, Red, White, White

Roland VersaUV LEC2 Series

Roland discontinued the VersaUV LEC2 series, but you can of course continue to use your VersaUV LEC2 printers in the application. From version, the Roland VersaUV LEC2-330 is displayed as Roland TrueVIS MG-300, and the Roland VersaUV LEC2-640 is displayed as Roland TrueVIS MG-640. The GMG drivers for the TrueVIS MG models fully support the VersaUV LEC2 models.