Creating a Custom Print Standard
GMG ProofControl print standards can be created in three different ways:
- GMG ColorProof users: Import target values from an MX proof profile. Values required for the corresponding control strip, but not included in the proof profile, are interpolated. (This is the recommended method of choice as you make sure that the same target values are used for printing and measuring.)
- Measure a printed control strip. (It is recommended to use a "typical" print from a calibrated printer to prevent that target values are based on one unusual print.)
- Use an existing GMG ProofControl print standard as a template and enter new target values.
How to create a custom print standard
- On the toolbar of the GMG ProofControl main window, click Customize > Custom Print Standard.
The New Print Standard dialog is opened. - Under Control Strip (1), select a control strip template for the layout and the CMYK output values (2) of the patches.
The patches of the selected strip are visualized (3). - Click Name to enter a suitable name for the new print standard.
- Click the From MX Profile button to import target values from an MX proof profile
Measure a printed control strip
Click the Open button on the toolbar to load an existing print standard XML as a template and enter new target values (default path: <installation path>\ProofControl\Standards). - You can adjust target values by clicking on a color patch and entering the desired Lab values (4) in the Evaluation area.
- You can define up to four Custom Rules (5) for all patches or a set of patches. You can multi-select multiple patches and then click on one of the Custom Rules, e.g. Primary, to define a common value.
- Click on the Save button on the toolbar to save the print standard as an XML file to the default path (default path: <installation path>\ProofControl\Standards).
The resulting print standard is now ready to use.
Creating a custom print standard in GMG ProofControl.
GMG ColorProof Standards and control strips can also be downloaded from the Support area of the GMG web site
Standards / control strips need to be saved into the Standards / Wedges subfolder of the main ProofControl program folder (default paths: <GMG ProofControl installation path>\Standards, <GMG ProofControl installation path>\Wedges).