GMG ProofControl
August 25, 2020

Wrong measurement conditions after import

After importing them into GMG ProofControl, ISO Coated v2 (39L) jobs were shown with the wrong measurement condition. Instead of M0 White Backing, M2 Black Backing was shown in the overview.


Wrong quantile validation after import

If the quantile calculation was activated, the jobs previously successfully verified in GMG ProofControl Inline had a failing validation after importing them into GMG ProofControl.


GMG ProofControl 
May 28, 2020

Measurements in IT8 format

GMG ProofControl measurements could not be saved as IT8 file if the application was used in demo mode. The workaround was to connect a measuring device.

A critical technical error has occurred. The application will be closed. Please restart the program and try again.

07120, 10147

Wrong comment on label

The GMG ProofControl label contained the text of the comment field of the previous measurement.


Automatic import of new PSR standards

New PSR standards were not successfully imported into GMG ProofControl. The corresponding GMG ColorProof jobs could not be measured with the X-Rite i1 device.

No print standard available for the selected measuring device, filter and backing.