GMG ProofControl
18. November 2021

Wrong measurement condition with certain standards

When using certain standards, GMG ColorProof jobs were processed with the wrong measurement condition. Instead of the mode M0 with White Backing, the mode M2 with Black Backing was used.

12754, 15182

Wrong LAB values for spot colors with stored paper tint

If a job contained spot colors with defined paper tint, incorrect LAB values were used for verifying the control strip Spot Color Control Strip V2. This led to exceeding tolerances, although the colors were reproduced correctly.


Missing information in comment field

After receiving a job with IdEAlliance 2013 i1 control strip, some information was missing in the comment section.


Misreadings when measuring spot color control strip

Measuring a GMG Spot Color Control Strip - Full Tone V1.0 or GMG Spot Color Control Strip V2.0 in scan mode with an X-Rite i1Pro 3 lead to misreadings.