Input Folders

Files that are copied into the specified input folder are automatically processed by the hotfolder the input folder is assigned to. Each file recognized by a hotfolder automatically generates a separate job.

The Input Folders settings define how an input document is recognized as a job by the system. Please check the settings if files do not show up in the job list.

Folder Settings Description
Hotfolder Location

Shared folder location with subfolders created by adding suffixes. older of the input folder. You need to choose an existing or create a new input file folder. PDFs in this input folder will be filtered by the File Filter defined in the Workflow settings.

Not only the input folder itself, but also subfolders of the input folder will be scanned for input files. You can define the level, how deep in the folder hierarchy will be looked for input files.

Use Same Folder Structure in Output With this option, you can ensure that input and output folder have the same subfolder structure in terms of folder depths.
Wait for Notifications from Operating System If the application waits that the operating system notifies the application of a new input file, it will use less computer resources. Select this method as long as you have no problems with the file detection.
Detect Changed Files in Input Folders Select this method only if some of the input folders are on a separate computer as the server and if you observe problems with the file detection in these folders. The application will then actively poll for new files in the defined Polling Interval, using more computer resources.
Timeout for Stability Check

Before starting to process an input file, the application checks whether the file is already complete. This is done by monitoring the file size (and optionally the Creation Time / Modification Time stamps).

The application checks the file size (and optionally the time stamps) in regular intervals as defined by the Timeout for Stability Check. For example, if the Timeout for Stability Check is set to 5 s, the application checks the file size 5 seconds after the file has been detected. If the file size is larger, the application waits and checks the file size again after 5 seconds. When the file size has the same value as before, the application starts to process the file.

If input files are moved to the input folder via a slow network connection, you might want to increase the Timeout for Stability Check value to avoid that the application starts processing incomplete files, resulting in canceled jobs.

Use Creation Time for File and Modification Detection This option is recommended for processing files on a UNIX file systems from Apple and SUN (UNIX or Mac OS operating system). If this option is selected, input files are regarded as new and will be processed when the name, creation date, or modification date is changed.
Use Modification Time for File and Modification Detection Similar to the option Ignore File Creation Time. If this option is not selected, files that were changed intentionally by the user will be ignored and need to be renamed before processing.
Create Job if File has been modified If an input file is modified after been copied to the input folder, this option automatically creates another job including the modifications.