Job Ticket Hotfolder

GMG ColorServer is able to process XML based job tickets from 3rd party workflow systems via job ticket hotfolders. Thus XML job tickets can be automatically transformed into equivalent ColorServer jobs.

Drop the PDF or image files you want to process in to the defined Job Ticket Hotfolder along with the XML job tickets created by your workflow system. The referenced input files are processed according to the defined parameters of the job tickets. The job ticket can contain specific parameters to define the processing, for example the Normalization.

Job Ticket XSLT

You can use XSLT to transform XML based job tickets from 3rd party systems into a format that can be processed into another XML document. You can rearrange, add and remove XML elements and attributes to or from the output file.

Job Settings > Job Ticket XSLT: Click on the folder icon to choose an XSLT file.

You can also use XSLT to transform report files created by the system into custom reports.

Job Settings > Reporting > Reporting XSLT: Click on the folder icon to choose an XSLT file.


You can define various settings of your job ticket hotfolder via XPath. Similar to a file path on a computer system pointing to the target file in the folder structure of a computer, the XPath location path points to the target element node in the node structure of an XML document:

The XPath location path is composed by the nodes in the XML tree; each node separated by "/". A "/" by itself selects the root node of the document. The next root node follows, and so forth, until the target element node is defined.

If you activate an XPath option, the job is processed according the XPath expression. Alternatively you can select a fixed value which is then independent from the job ticket.

Example: How to use XPath to address the Normalization setting of a Job Ticket Hotfolder

  1. Enter the following XML code in your Job Ticket XML:
  2. Color Processing > Normalization: Activate the XPath option.
  3. Enter "/JobTicket/ColorProcessing/Normalization".

The Input folder needs to be located on the computer that hosts the ColorServer Client.

See also: