GMG SmartProfiler will notify you with a cancel option before the calculation proceeds and data will be replaced in GMG OpenColor. You can click the Cancel button if you did not intend to change the document and accidentally changed something. The Calculate & Publish step will then be canceled.
Screenshot of the message box.
Please follow the link for more information: Republish
GMG ColorServer version 5.1 introduced the usage of spot color libraries calculated by GMG OpenColor via a direct connection between both applications. Version 5.2 added an automatic synchronization between Separation Rules in GMG OpenColor and the corresponding Spot Colors in GMG ColorServer. The new GMG ColorServer version greatly enhances the automatic synchronization.
If the option Auto Sync with OpenColor has been selected and as long as the synchronization is working fine, the In Sync status will be shown by an icon in the upper right corner of the main window.
In Sync status. In the Spot Colors list, one spot color library, marked by the In Sync icon, was derived from a GMG OpenColor project. The Sync icon in the upper right corner also shows that everything is alright with the automatic synchronization.
When the automatic synchronization fails for any reason, for example, a network connection problem, GMG ColorServer will put the synchronization on hold until the problem will be resolved.
Sync Error, i.e. the automatic synchronization failed. You can click the Sync Error icon on the upper right corner of the main window to show the DB3 Synchronization Log window.
This feature requires GMG OpenColor version 2.4 or higher.
Please follow the link for more information: Automatic Synchronization with GMG OpenColor
You will be able to use X-Rite i1Pro3 Plus and i1iO Generation 3 Plus Table to measure color patches and test charts.
The large aperture results in large color patches (16 mm). As the test chart size is limited by the i1iO table, the number of test chart pages will be increased when using the i1iO table.
When the optional polarization filter is used, you will need to select the Device Type Plus-M3 to activate M3 measurement condition in GMG ColorServer. With the filter, the patch size is even larger (20 mm x 16 mm), resulting in larger test charts (manual measurement) or more pages (i1iO table).
Please refer to the manufacturer's website to learn more about the new device:
Screenshot of the ColorServer Configurator. When the number of log entries in the active log file has reached the Maximum Number of Server Log Messages, the log file will be saved as an archive, and a new log file will be started. Archived log files will be deleted periodically, after the defined number of days.
- PSR MFv2 M1
- PSR LWCv2 M1
- PSR LWCplusV2 M1
- PSR SCplusV2 M1
- PSR SCv2 M1
Please follow the link to find out more about the PSR standard update:
Screenshot of the Spot Colors list in GMG ColorServer. The icon shows that the selected spot color library was changed in GMG OpenColor. That means, at least one color has been edited, added, or removed. You can click Get Latest Version from OpenColor from the context menu to update the resource.
If the option Auto Sync with OpenColor is selected, all spot color libraries derived from a GMG OpenColor project will be synchronized automatically.
What is also new: Introduction of new GMG ColorServer solution bundles
As an alternative to the standard GMG ColorServer product, we now offer three solution bundles. Everything you need for the task is right at your hands. You will not need any additional licenses or options. This includes GMG InkOptimizer for conventional printing, EcoSave for digital printing, and GMG OpenColor, the award winning profiler that accurately predicts the overprinting behavior and color interplay with only a minimum of measurement data and test charts required. Please note that the solution bundles are not part of version 5.2 and need to be purchased separately.