Program Overview

Main GMG OpenColor window. 1 Navigation panel with variable number of tabs. 2 Action bar. 3 Content section. 4 Sidebar. 5 Property pane.

  • At startup, GMG OpenColor shows a horizontal navigation panel (1) with two tabs called Projects and Database. These tabs are static tabs and cannot be closed or deleted, their position is fixed at all time. The screenshot shows the Projects tab content. You can view the content of each tab by clicking on the desired tab.
  • The toolbar (2) provides quick access to often-needed actions such as creating a new project, characterization, or test chart. When you click a toolbar button, the application opens a new tabbed page in the main window.
  • The content section (3) displays a project list that gives you a quick overview on the status and progress of each project. Use the respective project actions to edit, duplicate, or delete a project.
  • The main navigation bar on the left (4) helps you filter your projects per status, modification date, and preference.
  • The property pane (5) provides more information on the item that is currently selected in the list. At the upper right of the pane is a search box, which allows you to search for content (full text search).