Publishing issues for static profiles
After calculating and publishing a static profile in GMG OpenColor, the proof standard was unavailable for download in GMG ColorProof unless the same project was also published for dynamic profiling
Failed profile calculation for Epson SureColor SC-S80600
In some cases, the profile creation for Epson SureColor SC-S80600 printers failed, particularly for metallic or very dark output conditions with low L* values.
If you were affected by this issue, please recreate the relevant output conditions after installing this update to resolve the problem.
Dynamic GMG DotProof profiling issues
Only iterated GMG DotProof profiles with the ink order KCMY could be used for dynamic profiling, although the ink order should not affect the profiling. Also, non-iterated profiles were mistakenly available for dynamic GMG DotProof profiling, even though only iterated profiles should be allowed.
Missing settings for 'X-Rite i1' devices
For some devices of the 'X-Rite i1' series, the measurement functionality did not display options for selecting the measurement condition (M0/M1/M2) and measurement mode (Scan/Patch).
Failing ICC profile import
The Lab-to-Spectral calculation window did not open when trying to import an ICC profile.
GMG OpenColor 3.2 supports our new GMG ProofMedia studio matte 200, designed for print simulation on OBA-free production substrates in the packaging sector, such as folding boxes and corrugated cardboard, as well as decoration or letterpress printing. Its high grammage provides excellent mechanical stability and a consistent print image, even with heavy ink application. With high brightness, it offers a larger color space in highlight areas than many other matte proof media, allowing to reproduce even the finest structures with high color intensity and consistency on its smooth surface. GMG ProofMedia studio matte 200 is available in 13", 17", 24", and 44" widths. Please follow the link to see which printers and print modes can be used with the new media: Supported Proof Printers, Proof Media, and Print Modes
Language-dependent application crash
After selecting a measurement template, GMG OpenColor crashed on some operating systems, such as French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese systems.
MeasureColor Connector — Non-transmitted spot color modifications
After modifying spot colors in GMG OpenColor, the changes were not visible in the MeasureColor app. The modifications only appeared in the CxF exports via API after restarting GMG OpenColor.
Changed default settings for overprints
With this version, the default overprint behavior changes for all screen types. For both FM screening and AM screening, overprints will be enabled by default for all colors. If required, you can change the behavior in the ink settings (see "Overprint").