Adding a Custom GMG ProofControl Standard
The GMG ProofControl Print Standard XML files linked to a proof standard on the Proof Verification tabbed page provide the target values and the tolerances for a verification by printing a control strip together with the proof job. This control strip will be measured either automatically by the measuring device integrated into the printer (requires a GMG ProofControl Inline license) or manually in GMG ProofControl. GMG ColorProof and GMG ProofControl will automatically compare the measured colors with the target values as defined in the proof standard and show the results to you. If the differences between measured values and target values are within the tolerances, the proof is ok. You can use official target values and tolerances provided by organizations such as FOGRA or you can easily create and use your own criteria.
Make sure that the Filter and Backing settings of the GMG ProofControl print standard match the measurement condition when measuring the control strip. Otherwise, proof verification will not be possible.
To support different measuring conditions, for example, different control strips or measuring devices with and without UV cut filter, you can link multiple print standards to the same proof standard. You can then flexibly select one of the defined control strips in the proof job.
- On the Proof Verification page, click the Add button on the toolbar to add a new empty slot for a print standard XML to the Target Values table.
- In the Target Values table, ProofControl Standard column, click the browse button and select the corresponding XML file.
- In the Target Values > Filter column, select the filter settings used when measuring the control strip. This information will be read out from the print standard if available.
- In the Target Values > Backing column, select the backing method used when measuring the control strip. This information will be read out from the print standard if available.
- To set up more measuring conditions, repeat steps 1 to 5.
You can also easily generate custom GMG ProofControl standards for verification from the selected MX profile. For more information on this, please see chapter Adding a Custom GMG ProofControl Standard.
GMG Products offer you three methods:
- In GMG ColorProof, you can automatically generate custom GMG ProofControl standards from the color profile linked within the proof standard.
- If you are using the GMG ProofControl Inline option in GMG ColorProof, you can also automatically generate a custom GMG ProofControl standard from previous control strip measurements (jobs in the History).
- With the separate application GMG ProofControl, you can create new or modify existing GMG ProofControl print standard XML files. Please follow the link for more information: Creating a Custom Print Standard
- Make sure a Default Control Strip is selected.
- In the Target Values > Filter column, select the same measurement condition that was used for profile creation.
- Proof Standard > Proof Verification: Click the Generate from Proof Standard button and select the profile you want to use the Lab target values from.
(The options in the menu relate to the profiles linked on the Color Management tabbed page of the proof standard.) - Add as many GMG ProofControl standards as required.
The generated GMG ProofControl standard is automatically added to the Target Values list. The XML file is saved to the following default path: <installation path>\ProofControlAddOnData\Standards.
When creating a job using this proof standard and the control strip you selected as default control strip, the generated GMG ProofControl standard will be used for verification.
- Make sure a Default Control Strip is selected.
- Proof Standard > Proof Verification: Click the Generate from Measured Jobs button and select the control strip measurements from jobs in the History you want to use.
GMG ColorProof calculates target values for each patch from the measurement data. Multiple measurement values will be averaged. The generated GMG ProofControl standard is automatically added to the Target Values list. The XML file is saved to the following default path: <installation path>\ProofControlAddOnData\Standards.
When creating a job using this proof standard and the control strip you selected as default control strip, the generated GMG ProofControl standard will be used for verification.
See also: