June 11, 2024
Resolved issues
This version provides higher stability and fixes several bugs. We recommend you to always install the latest GMG ColorProof version to benefit from all improvements.
May 2, 2024
Resolved issues
This version provides higher stability and fixes several bugs. We recommend you to always install the latest GMG ColorProof version to benefit from all improvements.
March 25, 2024
Resolved issues
This version provides higher stability and fixes several bugs. We recommend you to always install the latest GMG ColorProof version to benefit from all improvements.
January 18, 2024
Resolved issues
This version provides higher stability and fixes several bugs. We recommend you to always install the latest GMG ColorProof version to benefit from all improvements.
December 18, 2023
Resolved issues
This version provides higher stability and fixes several bugs. We recommend you to always install the latest GMG ColorProof version to benefit from all improvements.
November 28, 2023
Resolved issues
This version provides higher stability and fixes several bugs. We recommend you to always install the latest GMG ColorProof version to benefit from all improvements.
November 15, 2023
Proof with the new HP DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® series
GMG ColorProof supports the new printers 'HP DesignJet Z9⁺ 24-in PostScript®' and 'DesignJet Z9⁺ 44-in PostScript®' (without dual roll). With 5 print heads for up to 10 colors, the printers allows for a very large gamut. Both models are equipped with an X-Rite i1 measuring device and thus can be used with GMG ProofControl. Please follow the link to learn more about the new printers: HP DesignJet Z9⁺ PostScript® series
Keep up with the latest PDF technology

The RIP integrated in GMG ColorProof is based on the Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE). We have updated the engine to the latest version 6.1 to ensure compatibility with the most advanced PDF technology and Adobe Creative Cloud applications. Please visit the Adobe website for further details on the Adobe Print Engine 6.1.

Embrace the convenience of our dongle-free GMG Online Licensing
The Application Service coming with this version supports the new GMG Online Licensing. Online licenses are system-based licenses that you can use on a local machine or in a virtual environment. They are very stable and don't require a dongle that could break or get lost. Learn more about our online licensing and how you can easily switch for free: Online licenses
Enhance workflow with new XML job ticket options
Automation as flexible as you are: quickly adjust your workflow to sudden changes in your daily business by prioritizing upcoming jobs via XML job ticket. For jobs using GMG OpenColor standards, you can also add a job order. Apropos standards: if different versions of a proof standard are available, you can now specify exactly which version should be used for a job. Another improvement streamlines spot color handling: instead of creating a single gradation file for each color, you can now use just one gradation file for an entire library.
Solve problems faster with advanced job ticket reports
Job ticket reports now also show detailed information about warnings and error messages, so you can solve problems faster and easier. Please find further information about job ticket reports under the following link: Job Ticket Report
Resolved issues
This version provides higher stability and fixes several bugs. We recommend you to always install the latest GMG ColorProof version to benefit from all improvements.

The Job Ticket functionality is not included in the standard version and requires an additional license. Please contact your local dealer for more information and they will be happy to assist you.