PDF processing failure
In version, some PDF files failed to start processing. Despite being valid, they remained in the 'In Hotfolder' status.
Wrong ink order for PDF+ jobs
When processing specific PDF files from Esko ArtPro+, the ink sequence defined in GMG OpenColor was ignored .
Misleading display: 'Pending Profiles Sync‘
The hyperlink in the lower status bar, leading to the overview of pending GMG OpenColor profiles, was sometimes highlighted even though no sync was pending.
Missing preview for XML jobs
Jobs generated by an XML Job Ticket Hotfolder did not display a preview of *.ai files.

Failed pairing with GMG ColorProof GO
At times, authentication would time out during the pairing attempt with GMG ColorProof GO, and the pairing process was terminated with an error message.

Stuck job processing
Occasionally, jobs became stuck in the 'ready' status or were canceled with an error message.
Failed imposition proofer jobs
When dropping multiple PDF files into the imposition proofer hotfolder, some of them failed to process. In the spooler printer queue, 'N/A' was displayed instead of their page number.
Channel order mismatch in manual job manager
After selecting 'From OpenColor Proofstandard' in the manual job manager, the displayed channel sequence was sometimes wrong. Although the profile was calculated and printed correctly, the user interface didn't consistently update to reflect these changes.
Missing or wrong localization entries
Several translations were added or corrected.

Application crash
Periodically, GMG ColorProof stopped processing jobs and froze.
Failing hotfolder / workflow import
Importing hotfolders or workflows occasionally resulted in an error.

GMG Remote CaliWizard issues
It was not possible to calibrate with GMG Remote CaliWizard, an error message was displayed.
Wrong print sequence for GMG OpenColor jobs
In manual jobs with dynamic GMG OpenColor proof standards, the drop-down list could not be set to 'From OpenColor ProofStandard'. It automatically switched back to 'From Input File (PDF)'.
Failed reversion to dongle licensing
On some systems, it was not possible to switch back from online licensing to dongle Licensing.

Crash on 10c+ GMG OpenColor jobs
If a PDF contained objects with the color space 'separation', jobs with ten or more channels and 'Use latest MXN Profiling' enabled were not printed. The jobs remained in the 'processing' status or displayed an error; GMG ColorProof froze and required a restart.
'Label to Chain' error for MX4 calibrations
When using or creating MX4 calibrations with an Epson driver, an error message was shown
The RIP integrated in GMG ColorProof is based on the Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE). We have updated the engine to the latest version 6.1 to ensure compatibility with the most advanced PDF technology and Adobe Creative Cloud applications. Please visit the Adobe website for further details on the Adobe Print Engine 6.1.

Slow connection to GMG OpenColor
A performance issue occurred when manually loading colors from GMG OpenColor 3.0 projects into a GMG ColorProof job; the list was displayed too slowly. The cause was at GMG OpenColor and has been resolved with Version 3.1. Please update GMG OpenColor and, if you were affected by this issue, enable the check box under the following string to enhance performance:
Preferences > Web Service Settings > Deactivate Color Corrected Display of Lab Values in Connected Applications (Boost Performance)
Error in connection to GMG OpenColor
The dynamic GMG OpenColor standard downloaded into the GMG ColorProof database was, in some cases, corrupted. This resulted in GMG OpenColor inks that couldn't be displayed or jobs showing an error message. The cause was at GMG OpenColor and has been resolved with Version 3.1. Please update GMG OpenColor to fix the issue.
Paper wasted by imposition proofer
The imposition proofer did not always cut immediately after printing, which in some cases led to paper waste.
Ignored image control strip setting
The default image control strip settings for manual jobs were not applied when using a dynamic GMG OpenColor profile.
Missing compatibility between Epson SureColor SC-P9500 and SC-P7500
Jobs with 'Epson SureColor SC-P9500' settings could not be imported into systems with Epson SureColor SC-P7500, despite the printers belonging to the same series.
Unrecognized spot color channels during remote proofing
Jobs created through a job ticket workflow, with manual adjustments to some spot colors afterwards, were incompletely imported on the remote site. None of the spot colors were recognized on the remote site.
Freezing license window
Unlicensed standalone installations of GMG ColorProof 5.14 could not upload license files.
The Job Ticket functionality is not included in the standard version and requires an additional license. Please contact your local dealer for more information and they will be happy to assist you.